See ranks, LP per game, and recent performances in Ranked, Normals, ARAM, and all modes. I'd be happy to try and answer any specific questions about climbing out of low elo with J4 if anyone has any. Complete match history and champion stats for KiNG Nidhogg’s League of Legends Profile (NA). But next season I plan on sticking to the Jarvan train and seeing where I can get myself! Preemptively making platinum a goal for myself. Lost gold promos three times before finally getting out of silver, which was certainly frustrating, but I did my best to keep a positive attitude or just take a break when I was going on loss streaks and getting bad teams.Īnyway, I'm fairly certain I could get much higher than g5 but there isn't much time left in the season and I don't have a lot of time personally now, either. That said, some games certainly weren't winnable, regardless of how I played, and like all people, I am also not perfect and there were a handful where I didn't perform well in a game that otherwise may have been winnable. Several games we were even able to come back from an exposed nexus and once you get a couple of active items and a decent health pool, J4 really begins to shine and allow some pretty bad teams to win fights. But when losing, I found more often than not through a positive attitude and trying my best to shot call and keep my team from tilting, we could last long enough for my build to become a relevant win condition.

Often my build didn't matter too much because my team was winning everywhere on the map with or without me. I know there is a lot of criticism of this build at lower elos because it is very team reliant. I've played Jarvan in the past but generally played the generic warrior/black cleaver/thunderlords build.but after a few of nidhogg's videos I immediately switched to the stoneborne/tank build and playstyle. Find their latest League of Legends streams and much more right here. Maybe that's a product of just being ranked much lower than I should be and not so much spamming Jarvan, but regardless, I think Jarvan's playstyle is something I am good at and that made things easier. Watch all of KiNGNidhoggs best archives, VODs, and highlights on Twitch. Went from S5-G5 in just a few weeks of playing whenever I had the time. Stuck to him whenever possible, although he was frequently picked or banned against me, in which case I typically played Zac if available, another champ I've played a lot of over the past few years and feel knowledgable on. Practiced some more advanced combos and jungle routes in practice tool. He named himself Nidhogg after the S-Rank Bow in Fire Emblem 8 and the KiNG capitalization to differentiate himself from others. Watched a ton of videos from /u/KingNidhogg and learned a lot about the game, jungling, and j4 in general.
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Had some free time the past month before my schedule got busy again and decided to spam ranked and see if I could get gold. Never have really stuck to a role let alone a champ, although I've always been partial to tank champions in LoL. Some background-I've been playing since early season 5, got silver with ease in s5 and s6, but never really "pushed" myself in ranked to see where I could actually end up.